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Ethnic Minority Welsh Women’s Awards

19th January 2022

Congratulations to two of our students, Agnes and Laetisha at the Ethnic Minority Welsh Women’s Awards Ceremony 2021 who were both recipients of the ‘Young Achiever’s Award’ which focused on their super-curricular provision for others during the pandemic. Laetisha is one of the top achieving students in the college, ranked highest in her year group…

Oxford, Cambridge or Lincoln?

12th January 2022

S is a 17-year old student, studying at a UK sixth form. From a modest background, she will be only the second person from her family to go to university, if she is successful in receiving an offer and taking up a place. Her passion, since childhood, is physics. Unsure of what exactly she wants…

Why are GCSEs in the UK important?

14th December 2021

The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and its international equivalent (iGCSE) were introduced in 1988 and since then these qualifications have acted as the ‘pathway’’ to advanced qualifications such as the International Baccalaureate (IB Diploma) and GCE A Levels. They are the first compulsory, externally assessed examinations that all UK students must undertake in…

Art trip to London

6th December 2021

GCSE, AS and A2 Art students enjoyed a recent visit to London visiting The Royal Academy’s ‘Summer Exhibition’. The exhibition’s tradition spans 250 years providing opportunities to both leading artists and emerging talent. Students viewed art work from contemporary artists such as Tracey Emin and Grayson Perry alongside members of the public who had been…

What are Holidays for?

29th November 2021

Having never formally studied psychology, physiology or sports science, I find myself rather fraudulently turning to these disciplines when attempting to explain how to learn effectively. In my defence, my interest in these fields goes back a long way and I have been fortunate to work with some experts in the field, throughout my own…

Hamlet Theatre Trip

23rd November 2021

Recently the A2 English Literature class took a train to London to immerse ourselves in a day of Shakespearean entertainment. Exploring the Southbank and the back streets of Southwark allowed us to see the London that audiences from the 1600s would have known. We enjoyed the sights and sounds of Borough market, still held in the…


18th November 2021

Bullying Incidents of bullying can be found everywhere and in all walks of life, and schools are no exception to this. Also, this should not be surprising or shocking. Schools are places where young people are developing and growing in experiences and attitudes and where they experiment with who they are and how they interact…

Our Autumn Enrichment Week

8th November 2021

Enrichment Week kicked off on Saturday and Sunday with our NASA competition. Students battled it out deep into the night, designing spacecraft while sweating the small elements and fine details. Parry House emerged victorious from this taking the first victory of the week. On Monday, the week began in earnest, starting with a Wallace victory…

The Importance of GCSEs

3rd November 2021

For over a decade, Cardiff Sixth Form College has excelled in delivering A Levels, achieving astonishing outcomes for students and sending them on their way to the world’s finest universities. That single sentence makes it sound so easy. Trust me, it is not, and the work that goes into this, by students and teachers alone,…