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Aim High but stay grounded

9th June 2022

It is perhaps unsurprising that the global pandemic has influenced the way students think about their future careers. In a survey carried out by Prospects, 27% of students had changed career plans in light of COVID-19, and 37% remain unsure about what they want to do. Which surely means that careers advice needs to shift,…

AS Students win EESW Competition

17th May 2022

  EESW Cymru run numerous activities across Wales, providing students with the opportunity to gain practical experience working with industries, businesses and higher education. These strands help benefit students and the aim is to further their knowledge and experience of practical STEM. These activities can enhance and gain essential key skills, as well as improving…

Alumni recieves Lexden award

11th May 2022

It was an honour and a privilege to be able to accompany Buraq to the House of Lords and witness him receiving ‘The Lexden Award’, presented by Lord Lexden himself and sponsored by the ISA (Independent Schools’ Association). The occasion was made more significant as the prize winners for 2020 and 2021 were all in…

Glee 2022: Legally Blonde the Musical

4th May 2022

Last weekend, Cardiff Sixth Form College’s annual Glee production took place – this year the students took on Legally Blonde the Musical. Our students put on phenomenal performances in adaptation of the 2001 film which stars Reese Witherspoon. The committed, enthusiastic, talented students showcased simply staggering realism in their performances. The fluency and creativity of…

Cultural Event 2022

4th May 2022

The highlight of March was undoubtably the Cultural Event 2022 which saw students, parents and staff gather at the ICC Wales in Newport for an Oscar-style Award Ceremony and dinner. This was the first Cultural Event and in fact the first formal opportunity for whole community celebration that has been possible for almost two years….

Top Tips for revision and exam stress

2nd May 2022

It’s that time of year again, when the pressure to do well seems overwhelming and it feels like time is running out to revise everything you need to. Trust me, you are not alone in this. Some stress is normal and can actually make sure we work and function at our best, but it can…

International Women’s Day 2022 – #BreakTheBias

8th March 2022

This time of year is always an invitation to reflect, marked by one poignant date in particular: today, March 8th. Frankly, I always feel conflicted. On the one hand, ‘International Women’s Day’ (IWD22) should be uplifting. A day of celebration, a day of pride. But it also inversely somewhat feels marred by highlighting just how…

The world belongs to those who read…

4th March 2022

Reading has been very much at the forefront of things this week at Cardiff Sixth Form College as we celebrated the 25th anniversary of World Book Day. We launched our new online library, Perlego, giving staff and students access to over 800,000 fiction and non-fiction texts. Our staff have also been highlighting their love of…

The Value of Art

25th January 2022

I have long been an advocate of the positive effect that the arts can have on us. Having worked in the creative industry for many years I know first-hand how it can have a powerful impact on our mental and physical self. It is all too easy to be cynical about the arts and to…

UN International Day of Education

24th January 2022

You could be forgiven for thinking that something which affected all nations in a devastating and long lasting manner, might bring them together in a spirit of co-operation and collaboration. And indeed, there are fine examples of nations coming together to combat a global pandemic through the dissemination of information, research into vaccine development, sharing…