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Annual Events

In addition to regular activities we also come together for major events throughout the year.  The students and staff look forward to these events and everyone is involved whether organising, taking part, spectating or supporting. These include:

Cultural Event

Perhaps the most important whole school event of the year is the Cultural Event – an Oscar-style Award Ceremony and dinner. The event is designed to celebrate the 43 nationalities we have at the College and those who have shown excellence in a variety of areas of the school including academic, House, boarding, pastoral, super and extra-curricular.  The event is Black Tie and many of the students dress in their national costume.  The colourful array of African, Asian and European clothes, modelled by our students, is truly an incredible sight to behold.  The event includes a full three-course meal, entertainment supplied by the students and speeches before the awards ceremony commences.

Sports Day

Sports Day, which takes place at a local sports stadium, is a fun, colourful day where the students enjoy athletic events such as sprinting and long jump through to fun races including the egg and spoon, three-legged race and staff v students tug of war.  The students compete in House teams and have specially coloured House T-shirts and medals are given to the winners of every event with a Sports Day Cup awarded to the winning House.

The Eisteddfod

The Eisteddfod is a celebration of Welsh culture including competitions in singing, dancing, musicianship and poetry. Our students perform in the stunning St David’s Hall which has state-of-the-art acoustics. This event really gives students the opportunity to showcase their individual talents. Supported by the whole school who watch the show, the Eisteddfod is one of the highlights of the Cardiff year.


One of the most popular extra-curricular clubs at Cardiff Sixth Form College is the GLEE Club – a musical theatre club led by a professional director and supported by staff from across the College. Performed at a local theatre, students put on a production every year with past performances including Mulan, Grease, Hairspray, Aladdin and The Lion King.  Students can take part by acting, helping backstage and front of house and the performances, normally held in the spring term, are watched by the whole staff and student community.


Here at Cardiff Sixth Form College, we are always keen to support our students in new ventures. In 2022 our student prefects decided to launch our first TEDx talk at Cardiff Sixth Form College. TEDx is a self-organised event created in the spirit of TED’s overall mission to share ideas. TEDx allows passionate individuals to organise an event which sparks conversations within the local community. TEDx events include live speakers and recorded TED Talks and are organized independently under a free license granted by TED. These events are not controlled by TED, but event organizers agree to abide by the format, and are offered guidelines for curation, speaker coaching, event organizing and more. More than 3000 events are now held annually.


CSFC Eisteddfod 13th Feb 2019